Two feet. Who needs the use of both? Apparently this chump because after rolling my foot and tearing two ligaments at derby training just over a month ago things have been a little challenging. I mean, on the scale of one to suckville this sits at “somewhat vexing much like discovering you have no gin when all one wants is a G&T”. But apparently I use my right foot more than I thought. I mean, I’ve learnt to strap my foot so I can still drive for quick trips, I’ve been doing one footed push ups to keep up with gym workouts (a gal has to brag about something) and heck I even hop-interpretive-danced the other night. But using my presser foot? Dang that hurts. So between attempts to learn to sew left footed I’ve taken up the genteel yet fierce craft of knitting. Pointy ended sticks + Amanda = hilarity and possibility of poking oneself in the eye… Or just looking plain sassy!
Yup. The stuff I have made has been pink and purple. Surprises? I have none.
The thistle coloured Big Herringbone Cowl is a Purl Bee pattern. I bought the wool for this when I was in NY last year after making husbandy join me on a 45 minute trek to Purl Soho. Nevermind I didn’t know how to knit. There was gorgeous wool to impulse purchase and sales staff to freak out as this cray Aussie was hugging all of their yarn. Let’s be honest this bad boy was probably not the best first project to tackle. The stitch was far to complex for my uncco fingers and limited ability to tension yarn. Now brace yourselves for the most hideous knit you have ever seen because this is chock full of dropped stitches, tangled knots and tension fails. Some may call it fug. I call it “quirky” with lots of “personality”.
Note how I have artfully hidden the numerous mistakes with careful photography and making the the detail shot super small? I’m tricky like that! BWAH HA HA!
But in all seriousness I really love this. I love that you can see how mutated the start is and all the lame stitches and mistakes that I couldn’t figure out. I love the last five rows where I picked this up again a couple of weeks ago and the skills seemed to click into place and all of a sudden the stitches start to look neater. But also I love all the cool things you can do with a cowl this huge.
I mean, hello Sydney Opera House sail twin.
The similarities are freaky.
But is gets better. My personal favourite is pretending to be all Princess Leia…
Like. A. Boss.
By the time I finished this I was on to week two of no sewing and I needed a fix bad. My next crafty project was then the Mathilde Hat by Andi Satterland. This was getting a bit crazy with following the directions and changing needles sizes and whatnot. But I persevered. I took this project everywhere- work lunches, specialist waiting rooms, derby training. But it was worth it to see something rad grown on my needles like a cool pink fungus. I mean, check this out!
Could not be prouder! There is a total pattern happening here and everything. Plus, it’s pink. And we all know how I feel about the sassiest of colours.
So this knitting thing is pretty cool. I mean, I don’t need to be using my foot when it gets sore. Yarn is all kinds of rad and soft and lovely. And I can make snug things to keep me warm as winter approaches and my thin Queensland blood sets me “icicle” for the next eight months. Brrr…
And let’s be honest. This injured foot isn’t going to keep me down. I’ve now got mad beginner’s knitting skills, sewn my first left foot controlled project and have a specialist appointment tomorrow to tell me how we’re proceeding with this lameness (both literal and figurative- word nerd win!) Because even if they have news that isn’t what I want to hear I have mad craft skills and I am fierce.
Or at least, I can knit me a slightly misshapen tube and pose like a slightly vexed guinea pig. Bring it!
outstanding! your craftiness has always been very impressive to me! hope your foot comes good soon.
Hope your foot is better soon ! And the Oscar for best Princess Leia interpretation goes to …. AMANDA! YAY!!! 😉
Good luck for the ongoing healing of the foot! Love the way you own, though – what better time to pick up knitting and totally master it sassy style??
That hat was your second project? Wow. I’m very impressed. 🙂
Oh so sorry to hear about your foot, what an arse that must be! Congrats on transferring your craftiness right over to knitting though. That hat is killer! Hope you are right as rain before long. Zoe xxx
Seriously, your Mathilde is impressive! When I saw that picture with the stitch marker in it knew you were serious. You have upped the anti girl, and this girl also in a sewing hiatus had better step up with the needles!
Is there nothing you can’t do??!! I. Am. Well. Jel.
I bow before your awesome beginning knitter prowess! (And also before your amazing picture taking skillz & your not letting the injury get you down-ness.) And I seriously love that hat that you grew from a pink fungus. 😉
Yikes. Hope your foot feels better soon. I remember when I hurt my foot, I ended up putting the pedal on the table and using my elbow to push. It worked out really well!
Oh no, so sorry you hurt your foot – speedy recovery wishes winging there way to you 🙂
Oh, boo! Your poor foot! I’m so sorry! But I’m glad to hear you’ve found a new activity! Knitting is super fun… plus you can look vaguely threatening holding tools that can be used as weapons…
Baha ahh miss, you are to cute
Wow, I am so impressed! I’ve tried to learn to knit a couple times, and I lack the patience (and the wiring) for it. I can’t believe that hat was your second project, it’s fantastic! And how smart to make a drape-y, non-fitted piece for your first project!
Ahhh you crack me up! You did a mad job of that hat – I wanna knit too!
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Loving the vexed guinea-pig look and so glad that damned foot isn’t damaging your ability to make me laugh (I’m so selfish)! Seriously impressive knitting skills too, hope it’s good news from the foot man?
Fierce! Love the hat. What a cute pattern! Knitting is fun but can be very hard at the start. Practice, practice, practice and you’ll be a knitting whiz in no time.
Thank ye, Miss Hannah! Hope Clancy is settling in well 😀
Woot! I was super happy with my Leia. I tried to get R2 into the photo but he got camera shy 😀
Thanks, lovely! I’m eagerly waiting for my next wool delivery to arrive!
My foot is totes being a jerk! But knitting is a fine compensation… Though left footed sewing is coming along a treat!
I’m a lady who likes gadget- and how cute are all the Clover knitting products? So many pastels! I can’t wait to see all your lovely French makes, KB!
Pink fungus totes makes for the best hats 😀 And thank ye, my dear!
OMG that is a fab idea! I got a walking boot today for lame foot and it is absolutely impossible to sew with it on. Elbow may get a look in! Thanks for the tip, Jen 😀
Thanks, Jacq! I’m resting up like a boss!
I’m totes fearsome whilst hobbling towards them knitting needles at the ready. Or they be thinking I’m cray-cray. It could go either way 😉
Naw, thanks Bec!
This whole web commenting thing is brain melting sometimes. I keep thining about transferring to WP but I have tech savvy of your average hot dog so it could all go hideously wrong. I’ll know who you are DK!
Give in to the radness of the hat knitting! I can’t recommend this pattern enough for a beginner!
Dr McFootington (he totes loves this name I just made up but doesn’t realise it yet) had good news- no surgery! Am in a walking boot for a ways but I’m going to pimp that up. I’m thinking of calling it Das Boot and putting submarine stickers on it. Sassy!
Thanks, Kat! The practise thing is tough- I just wanna make cool stuff from the get go 😉
you should knit a cover for your walking boot =D hope you’re back to sewing soon!
You always manage to put a smile on me …. Lovely job with your knitting needles! And lovely pics!!
Ok Amanda – I totally am going to make that hat – I would love to be able to contact you to ask a few questions (I am a complete beginner), but I couldn’t find a “Contact you” address. I can be reached on cjillian (at) ozemail (dot) com (dot) au That way I won’t take up a metre of comments space!
GREAT !!!!!!!!!! Made my day !!!!!!!
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Bwahahaha only you could make a pink fungus hat look so fun! Best wishes for a quick foot recovery!
Thanks, Cindy! We all need wool fungus hats!
Hehe, your blog always puts a smile on my face!! Hope the foot heals fasteroonie.
I Love your projects! Particularly the hat! I might have to make myself one…
It tied to knit, I really did. It took me more than 8 months to make a third of a sock, so decided knitting is not for me. Love the Princess Leia cowl 🙂
Thanks, Carolyn! Hopefully the surgical consult tomorrow will sort everything out 😀
Thanks, Rachel! Have a bash at the hat- it’s super rad 😀
You started with a sock?! My goodness! That’s a bit hardcore. Mayhaps a simpler starting project, rad lady?
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Your knitting skills are made of win, seriously. Although your photography skills are better, I am seriously in awe of the fact that you made not one, but two knitted items and didn’t stab anyone with the needles through sheer frustration (… erm, obviously I’ve not done that and anyone who says otherwise is a lying liar who lies). Can’t wait to see what other pink and purple lovelies you create with your needles. Hope your foot gets better soon!
I love to knit. I find it really relaxing and you get something nice at the end. It’s calmer than sewing too because you can watch TV and not really think too hard 😉 I find it’s a seasonal thing for me though. I tend to knit an awful lot in the winter months and then still some but but not as much in the summer. Congrats on your first knitting projects! You’ll be on to making jumpers in no time!
Holy schmoley! That hat’s incredible! I’ve never followed a pattern and that would intimidate me to no end.
Thanks, Tors! My addiction to pink, purple and grey grows every day!
Isn’t it just so relaxing? I love how zen it is and there is so little set up pack down which is making it rather appealing at the moment!
I felt the same way- but it is truly a pattern of all knits and purls. If you can make a scarf you can sew master this!